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Travel by Mind Map: Travel

1. Online Center

1.1. New node

1.2. Support

1.2.1. Forum Ratings Advise

1.2.2. Contact Center

1.3. Payment Methods

1.3.1. IDeal

1.3.2. Paypal

1.3.3. Creditcard/Mastercard

1.3.4. Paysafe

2. Destinations

2.1. Dubai

2.1.1. New node

2.2. USA

2.2.1. New York Los Angeles California

2.3. Canada

2.4. Russia

2.4.1. Moscow

2.5. France

2.5.1. Parij

2.6. Asia

2.7. Spain

2.7.1. Rio de Jeneiro

2.8. Bulgaria

2.8.1. Sunny Beach, Sofia

2.9. Italia

2.9.1. Milano Rome

3. Tourist Agency

3.1. Support

3.1.1. Avise

3.1.2. Ratings

3.1.3. Budgetplan

3.2. New node

4. Overview of Technology

4.1. Mobile Apps

4.2. Social Media

4.2.1. Facebook

4.2.2. Twitter Instagram

4.2.3. Instagram

4.3. Google

4.4. New node

5. Transportation

5.1. Airplane

5.2. Autobus

5.2.1. New node

5.3. Ship

5.4. A special offer: Helipocter