Transformation of the North

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Transformation of the North by Mind Map: Transformation of the North

1. Tweed also used graft to persuade or convince businesses into scamming consumers

2. Political Machine: An unofficial city organization designed to keep a particular party or group in power.

3. Boss Tweed was a political machine in New York City. He was a member of the Tammmany society with Sweeney, Cononolly, and Oakley. He took numerous kickbacks from city projects, pocketing tax money for his own personal gain. Cartoonist Thoman Nast attempted to bring to light the corruption of Tweed. He was eventually exposed and jailed, found guilty of corruption.

4. Political machines manipulated policies on regional levels, providing poor and working-class citizens and immigrants with improved public services. However, they often relied on fraud and corruption to gain personal power and wealth at the expense of citizens.

5. Political

6. Oil helped the inprovement in transportation

7. So did the improvement in transportation

8. Sports allowed people(and still do) to have a source of enterainment. Plus they are fun and invigorating.

8.1. Roads went from dirt roads to cobblestone roads as it helped make transportation easier; especially in rainy weather.(Dirt roads get muddy in rainy weather where as cobblestone gets wet but not muddy).

9. Printing allowed information to be spread faster.

9.1. Education provided more opportunities for jobs

10. New buildings called skyscrapers appeared more modern thanthe old buildings and they allowed people to live closer to their jobs

11. A new natural resource called steel was stronger than iron and provided new and bettter transportation and technology.

12. Another one was social gospel which allowed churches or other public areas to lend money or jobs to the poor.

13. There was also goverment welfare which allowed government to lend the poor money and jobs in return for votes.

14. There was a Laissez Faire economic system, which relied heavily upon factories to mass produce material goods.

15. Immigration in America caused an increase in crime and a decrease in the number of jobs available.

16. Immigration to America steadily increased during this period, and the U.S. became a cultural "melting pot" as immigrants tried (and often failed) to assimilate.

17. Social

18. Economic