My New Mind Map

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My New Mind Map by Mind Map: My New Mind Map

1. what in your neighbor hood reflects who you are?

1.1. nothin reflects who i am

2. what from your country reflects who you are?

2.1. the food

3. who are you in your home?

3.1. im the comedian and the chill person

4. who are you outside?

4.1. i am chill,funny,straight up, and sometimes quiet

5. Who are you outside?

5.1. i am chill,funny,and sometimes quiet

6. My name is Elias Nicholas

7. who are u?

7.1. I am funny,kind,chill,lovin,and straight up.

8. who are the people you love?

8.1. i love my friends/family

9. how have they influenced you?

9.1. they been chillin wit me

10. what objects reflect who you are?

10.1. objects: bed,couch,pillow,chair,console/pc