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charity events by Mind Map: charity events

1. raffle

1.1. for a book of raffle tickets cost £5.99. but you could sell one ticket for 25p

2. football match event

2.1. resources two football nets cost £99.98.A football cost £9.99

3. sponsored run

3.1. it will cost you £10 per entry

4. fantasy dress

4.1. costume £10

5. cake store

5.1. £5per cake

6. FIFA tourmnanment

6.1. resouces fifa 13 £39.99 Playsaation 3. we would be aiming to rise £200.00 the prize is fifa 13

7. car wash

7.1. cost of resources sponge £0.14 washing up liquid £8.00 i am aiming to get £25 to £30