Film Opening Synopsis

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Film Opening Synopsis by Mind Map: Film Opening Synopsis

1. Costumes

1.1. Villan

1.1.1. Long dark messy hair going down his face

1.1.2. Dressed all in black and long trench coat

1.1.3. Dark shoes

1.1.4. White face paint with dark eye make up all messed up.

1.1.5. Dirty hands and black nails

1.1.6. Spike in lip piercing

1.2. Hero

1.2.1. Dressed in suit

1.2.2. Dark shoes

1.2.3. Dark glasses and neat hair.

1.3. Heros friend

1.3.1. cassualy dreesed

1.3.2. Jeans

1.3.3. Convers

1.3.4. regular t-shirt (no logos)

2. Camera Movments

2.1. Shots

2.1.1. Tracking shot

2.1.2. Arial shot

2.1.3. Pan shot

2.1.4. Zoom

2.1.5. Close up

2.1.6. Medium shot

2.1.7. long shot

2.1.8. extreme longshot

2.2. Angles

2.2.1. Low angle

2.2.2. High angle

2.2.3. Over head

3. Action genre

4. Title of Film

4.1. Unforgiven

5. Characters

5.1. Ray

5.2. Sam

5.3. Dr.Spike

6. Ligtning

6.1. Natural

6.2. Dark

7. Props

7.1. Guns

7.1.1. One machine gun and pistol.

8. Place

8.1. Dark cabinet in woods

8.2. Forest area with river

8.3. Maze

9. Sound

9.1. Diegetic sound- Only when Hero speaks.

9.2. Non-Diegetic- Loud music fast paced over the opening sequence

10. Plot

10.1. Rays friend was kidnapped by lunatic weirdo

10.2. Rays Friend is kept in cabinet somewhere in woods.

10.3. Mr.R finds cabinet and tries to rescue his friend but Dr Spike blinds him with his trench coat and runs away but Mr.R's friend is missing so Mr.R runs after Dr Spike

11. Editing

11.1. Cuts