Oral Pathology

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Oral Pathology by Mind Map: Oral Pathology

1. Teaching

1.1. H&N anomalies

1.1.1. Tasks Outlines PPT CPC

2. Laboratory

2.1. Cases

2.1.1. Suggession

2.2. Tasks

2.2.1. Oral pathology conference

2.2.2. Communication

2.2.3. Slides process

2.2.4. R4

2.2.5. New place in clinical area

2.3. Ideas

2.3.1. IHC

2.3.2. Culture

2.4. Research in lab

2.4.1. Process of payment from grant

2.4.2. Approval of head of division & full fit the requirements

2.4.3. requirements:1-IRB Approval 2- O.Path faculty supervision

3. Practical

3.1. Slides

3.1.1. Lab manual

3.1.2. Box of slides and labels

3.2. CPC

4. Research

4.1. Retrospectivestudy

4.1.1. IRB

4.1.2. Interns

4.1.3. Spread sheet