Film Opening Synopsis for a Horror Film

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Film Opening Synopsis for a Horror Film by Mind Map: Film Opening Synopsis for a Horror Film

1. Costume

1.1. Blood stained clothes

1.2. Scary mask

1.3. Black jumper

1.4. Scary make-up

1.5. Black Shoes

1.6. Ripped clothes

1.7. Muddy boots

2. Props

2.1. Axe

2.2. Mobile phone

2.3. Knife

3. Plan

3.1. Main character

3.1.1. Very poor

3.1.2. No job

3.1.3. Single

3.1.4. Quiet person

3.1.5. Lives by themselves

3.2. Storyline

3.2.1. Person home alone

3.2.2. Night time

3.2.3. Person gets killed

3.2.4. Killer inside their house

4. Location

4.1. Haunted house

4.2. Scary locations at night

4.3. Graveyard

5. Diegesis

5.1. Scary music

5.2. Creates Tension

5.3. Loud

5.4. High pitched music

6. Editing

6.1. Builds up to the action

6.2. Cuts creating tension

6.3. Keep viewer interested