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tech2tech by Mind Map: tech2tech

1. access

1.1. internet

1.1.1. similarity to youtube

2. staff

2.1. techies

2.1.1. passionate people

3. professionalism

3.1. knowledgeable staff

3.1.1. high understanding

4. market segment

4.1. new business owners

4.1.1. small businesses without resources needs tech understanding

5. feasiblity

5.1. videos posted asking for help, videos posted with a response in laymen terms

6. knowledge

6.1. staff can check videos posted and offer 24 personal help

6.1.1. ensure that business owners can connect safely and effectively delegate and respond to clients needs quickly and efficently

7. connection capabilities

7.1. internet

8. clientele

8.1. new business owners desiring help with technology woes