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Poverty by Mind Map: Poverty

1. The importance of economic factors to the understanding of any particular conflict will always be a source of dispute

2. Internal solutions for internal problems

3. Narrowing the gap b/w industrialized & developing countries

4. Solutions (Government Policy)

4.1. Protection of minority groups

4.2. Effective aid policy & outreach programs (rural areas)

4.3. Independent judicial/legal system

4.4. Proper public health care services

4.5. Better public education

4.6. Strong civil society

4.7. Accountable armed forces & police service

5. Conclusion

5.1. How should international donor/peace-building organizations give aid during or after conflict?

5.1.1. To what extent does poverty cause revolution?

5.2. What is the most effective approach in measuring poverty?

5.2.1. How does Marxist theory on capitalism relate to the relationship between poverty & war?

6. "Voicelessness and Powerlessness”

7. Increase in chronic health problems (AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis)

8. Modernization Theory

9. Colonialism-marginalization of the poor

10. Poor continue to become "poorer" (micro vs.macro economic effect of war)

10.1. New political economy (Sierra Leone)

10.2. Task

10.3. Prerequisites

11. Huntington: Land maldistribution/landlessness = revolution (Salvador & Nicaragua vs. Panama & Costa Rica)

12. Globalization (military force and arm sales)

13. Conflict

13.1. Rebel groups (Sierra Leone & Sri Lanka)

13.1.1. External shock (trade or loss of resources)

13.2. Horizontal Inequalities vs. vertical inequalities

13.3. Rigorous Approach: lack of basic services=societal stress= spark

13.3.1. Anecdotal Approach: Accumulation of wealth = greed & chauvinism rather than grievance (poverty)

13.4. Weak government in managing scarce resources

13.5. Clash of Civilizations

14. War

14.1. Poverty & war = vicious cycle

14.2. Poor people used in war (soldiers)

14.2.1. Task

14.2.2. Prerequisites

14.3. Increase in aid (dependency theory)

14.4. Only strong powers can afford war (The elites)

15. Human Development Definition

15.1. Effects of war