3. Adaptations in physical structure or behavior may improve an organism’s chance for survival. As a basis for understanding this concept:
by Chelsea Treser
1. d. Students know when the environment changes, some plants and animals survive and reproduce; others die or move to new locations.
1.1. 1. Students know when the environment changes some plants die.
1.2. 2. Students know when the environment changes, some animals die.
1.3. 3. Students know when the environment changes some plants reproduce.
1.4. 4. Students know when the environment changes some animals reproduce.
1.5. 5. Students know when the environment changes some plants survive.
1.6. 6. Students know when the environment changes some animals survive.
1.7. 7. Students know when the environment changes some plants move to another location.
1.8. 8. Students know when the environment changes some animals move to another location.
2. c. Students know living things cause changes in the environment in which they live: some of these changes are detrimental to the organism or other organisms, and some are beneficial.
2.1. 1. Students know living things cause changes in the environment in which they live.
2.1.1. role play game to show different outcomes to the environment
2.2. 2. Students know the changes are detrimental to the organism.
2.3. 3. Students know that the changes are detrimental to other organisms.
2.4. 4. Students know that the changes are beneficial to the organism.
2.5. 5. Students know that the changes are beneficial to other organisms.
3. e. Students know that some kinds of organisms that once lived on Earth have completely disappeared and that some of those resembled others that are alive today.
3.1. 1. Students know that some kinds of organism that once lived on Earth have completely disappeared.
3.1.1. dig up fake fossils and study them
3.2. 2. Students know that some kinds of organisms that once lived on Earth resembled others that are alive today.
3.2.1. dig up fake fossils and relate them to today's organisms.
4. a. Students know plants and animals have structures that serve different functions in growth, survival, and reproduction.
4.1. 1. Students know plants have structures that serve different functions.
4.1.1. plant a seed and work with google docs to document the growth of a plant
4.2. 2. Students know that animals have structures that serve different functions.
4.2.1. Have a virtual dog that can ask to do things like sit/wag tail etc.
4.3. 3. Students know that different functions are growth, survival, and reproduction.
4.3.1. have virtual plants and animals to watch grow.
5. b. Students know examples of diverse life forms in different environments, such as oceans, deserts, tundra, forests, grasslands, and wetlands.
5.1. 1. Students know examples of diverse life forms in different environments
5.1.1. research online the different life forms
5.2. 2. Students know that different environments are oceans, deserts, tundra, forests, grasslands, and wetlands.
5.2.1. use powerpoint to make a presentation on the different environments