mindmap for MITE6311

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mindmap for MITE6311 by Mind Map: mindmap for MITE6311

1. Learning theories

1.1. Behaviorism

1.1.1. key elements Stimulus Response

1.1.2. Mind as a Black Box

1.1.3. Mind processes not important

1.1.4. Focus on observable cause and effet relationship

1.1.5. Students remember and respond

1.1.6. Teachers presents and provide practice and feedback

1.1.7. not adequately explain the qcuisition of higher level skills or those that require a greater depth of processing

1.2. Cognitivism

1.2.1. Mind as an information processor

1.2.2. Mind representations and mental models

1.2.3. Short term, long-term and working memory- store the knowledge itself in mind as well as the use of it

1.2.4. Thinking involves manipulation of representations

1.2.5. Transfer of knowledge through congnitive strategies

1.2.6. Students remember rules, patterns and strategies

1.3. Constructivism

1.3.1. social constructivism evolved from congnitive constructivism Mind filters input from the world to produce its own unique realityd

1.3.2. Knowledge us constructes through assimilation and accommodation

1.3.3. Knowledge is inspeparable from knower, is a function of how the individual creates meaning from their own experiences

1.3.4. Learning is active precess that involves personal discoveries. It takes place in a context which forms an inexorable link with the knowledge embedded in it