We believe that allowing artist to share text based events will help get an artists dates with li...

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We believe that allowing artist to share text based events will help get an artists dates with links back to SK into their social feed and help us achieve passive virality => artists see it and want to use it. por Mind Map: We believe that allowing artist to share text based events will help get an artists dates with links back to SK into their social feed and help us  achieve passive virality => artists see it and want to use it.

1. FB App

1.1. 'Share your tour schedule' button

1.2. Share on FB built into add event flow

1.2.1. Q: How many people use the add events via the FB app?

2. After add event

2.1. Share on Fb

2.1.1. New node

2.1.2. New node

2.2. Share on Twitter

2.2.1. New node

2.2.2. New node

2.3. Share via email

2.4. Share this event - with link to all events

2.4.1. Q: When a user clicks a button can it do 2 things - copy dates to clip board and launch a Fb share dialogue?

2.5. Share all events - with a link to this event

3. Artist calendar

3.1. Export by dates as plain text to paste into FB or email

3.2. 'Copy text'based events

3.2.1. New node

3.3. Share tour schedule on FB

3.4. Show text based events in right hand column

3.5. Show link to text based events at the bottom of calendar