1. justic Secretary (Chris Grayling MP) Responsible for prisons, courts and probation. Magesstrates deals with crimes up to 12 months sentance or 5,000 pounds fine. 95% of crime goes through here. Crown court deals with Murder, Rape and more serious crimes. made up of jury and baristers.
1.1. Under Sercertary of state for Justice (Crispin Blunt MP). Promise's to tackle unemployed offenders by forcing community payback. create schemes so people can wittness community payback and to make unemployed offenders employed tax payer.
1.1.1. Her Majesty's Prison Service. Justice sector as a whole 95,000 employers. promise to protect the public and provide a safe community by keeping offenders in probation and away from public life. Her Majesty's Inspecterate of Prisons . The prison service looks after the prisoners welfare. aiming to prevent bullying, suicide and preventing staff misconduct. Also they look after the prison security.
1.1.2. National Probation Service. The NPS supervise the prisoners by helping them move away from their old life towards a new clean life. they also monitor the prisoners incase they re offend, if they do re- offend they will be taken straight back into prison. Her majesty's inspecterate of probation. The HMIP check that the probation service is preventing re- offending and that released prisoners are obeying the law.
2. Secetary of state for communities and local government (Eric Pickles). Eric Pickles Mostly controls the councils but also is incontrol of the Fire service.
2.1. Fire and Rescue Services (Bob Neil MP). Bob Neil specificly is responsible for the Fire service. overall he pays for the equipment, Recruitment and their pensons.
2.1.1. North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue service. THe fire service has over 44.000 Fire Officers but only 3.9% are women. There are over 3,600 Fire applaince's. North Yorkshire Fire Authority. A link between Fire and Rescue Service and the communities it serves Via councils.