Hierarchical Engagement
by MyInter MindMap
1. Perception
1.1. Nassim Haramein - Sacred Geometry & Unified Fields
1.2. Elizabeth Gilbert: Your elusive creative genius
1.3. Clay Shirky: In praise of cooperation without coordination
1.4. Steven Johnson: Where good ideas come from
1.5. John Kounios: The neuroscience behind epiphanies
2. Amusement
2.1. This Land is Mine
2.2. Jane Austen's Fight Club
3. Sustainability
3.1. Markus Kayser - Solar Sinter Project
4. Mesotopia
4.1. Supersonic Freefall - Red Bull Stratos CGI
4.2. Paradise or Oblivion
5. History/Edu
5.1. Sita sings the blues