by Wendy Castillo Guzman
1. MIXTURE- A system made up of 2 or more substances, such that the relative amounts of each substance can be varied
2. MOLECULE- A cluster of 2 or more atoms, held together strongly by electrical forces
3. PURE SUBSTANCE- A substance that is a homogenous and has unchangeable composition
4. HOMOGENEOUS- Is a substance consisting only one phase
5. HETEROGENOUS- A substance consisting of more than one phase.
6. ION-An atom or molecule which an electrical charge
7. MECHANICAL MIXTURES- A heterogeneous mixture of 2 more substances
8. ELEMENT- A substance which cannot be separated into simpler substances as a result of a day chemical process
9. ATOM- The smallest possible unit of an element which define the structure of an element
10. SOLUTION- The homogeneous mixture or 2 or more substances
11. SOLVENT-A component in a solution which exist in the greater quantity
12. SOLUTE-the component in a solution which exists in the smaller quantity