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Instruction by Mind Map: Instruction

1. Method

1.1. Definition: Techniques, procedures, and actions used to help achieve stated objectives.

1.2. Types of Method

1.2.1. Demonstration

1.2.2. Discussion

1.2.3. Games

1.2.4. Simulation

1.2.5. Cooperative Learning

1.2.6. Discovery

1.2.7. Problem Solving

1.2.8. Drill and Practice

1.2.9. Tutorials

1.3. How to choose a method

1.3.1. Student Needs

1.3.2. Expertise with a method

1.3.3. Variety is a MUST

2. Medium

2.1. Definition: A channel of communication; carries information between source and receiver

2.2. Examples

2.2.1. Pictures

2.2.2. Videos

2.2.3. Handouts

2.2.4. Models

2.2.5. Real objects

2.2.6. Multimedia Music Video Sound clips Podcast

2.3. Choosing your medium

2.3.1. Student needs

2.3.2. Variation

2.3.3. Relevance

3. Materials

3.1. Definition: Specific items experienced by students that influence their learning.

3.2. How to acquire

3.2.1. 1. Make sure they're relevant

3.2.2. 2. Compare to competing materials

3.2.3. 3. Keep records of past use

3.2.4. 4. Determine student Needs

3.2.5. 5. Check a variety of sources