Validity & Reliability
by Gloria Richardson
1. Concurrent validity evidence-determined by correlating test scores with a criterion measure collected at the same time.
2. Predictive validity evidence-correlating test scores with a criterion measure collected after a period of time has passed.
3. It is a requirement in order to have a good test and answers the question of "does it measure the instructional objectives."
4. Content Validity
4.1. Seeing if a test question coresponds to what the user decides should be covered in the test.
5. Criterion-related validity evideence
6. Reliability
6.1. Test-Retest or Stability
6.1.1. Test given twice
6.1.2. Same group of students tested
6.2. Alternate Forms
6.2.1. Giving two alternate forms of a test to the same group and correlating the scores
6.2.2. Prerequisites
6.3. Internal Consistency
6.3.1. Used to yield inflated estimates for speed test
6.3.2. Uses Kuder-Richardson procedure or split half.