POP New Strategy Components

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POP New Strategy Components by Mind Map: POP New Strategy Components

1. Private Launch idea

2. Maggiore interazione

3. Puntare sulla scarsità

4. Clack

5. Event without using G2W

6. Test using Procaster or Ustream and sharing screen

7. Ask Igor livelook

8. Drazen ask for automatic scripting to G2W registration

9. More Events

10. More far apart from each other

11. Temi più specifici

12. Rubrica video giornaliera per MNM EN

13. Improve landing registration page

14. test with only email field

15. eliminate Question and Comments and replace with custom field - your site URL

16. Direct Promotion through relevant MNM articles

16.1. Publish articles around recorded webinar content

17. Social Destination where to meet and respond to followers

17.1. Facebook

17.2. Socialcast