by Adrian Dumitrescu
1. Implementation
2. Tools
2.1. Code generation
2.2. Auto builds
2.2.1. aqwe
2.2.2. qwe
3. Features
3.1. View Modules
3.1.1. Pages
3.1.2. Aplication States
3.1.3. Deep Liniking Google Analytics Integration
3.2. Assets Manager
3.2.1. Use shared libraries.
3.2.2. Promote runtime fonts
3.3. Sound Controler
3.4. AIR Integration
3.5. Strong OOP
3.5.1. Pure MVC Based
3.5.2. Promote Proxies AMF Native Integration
3.6. Easy Logging of warnings and errors
3.7. admin
3.7.1. easy scaffolding
3.7.2. integration with amf