Why is education slow to change?

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Why is education slow to change? by Mind Map: Why is education slow to change?

1. Agreement

1.1. stakeholders

1.1.1. school board

1.1.2. administration

1.1.3. parents

1.1.4. community

1.1.5. students

1.1.6. teachers fear of change teaching methodology

1.2. make it a priority

1.3. technology plan/timeline

2. Knowledge

2.1. ongoing prof. development

2.2. teach students

2.3. administrator's vision

3. Concerns

3.1. effects on students

3.1.1. cheating

3.1.2. lack of exercise

4. Money (Budget)

4.1. facilities

4.2. training

4.3. hardware

4.4. software

5. Time

5.1. training

5.2. technical support

5.3. teacher's planning