Creating dream next job
by sofia bustamante
1. Networking
1.1. Plan!
1.1.1. Numbers
1.1.2. Quality
1.2. Hot Contacts
1.3. Warm Contacts
1.4. Cold Contacts
2. Target Organisations
2.1. Explore
2.2. List
2.3. Check for conections
2.4. Keep building relationship
3. Social Networks
3.1. awareness- track
3.2. decision- commit
3.3. consistency - streamline
3.4. strong presence - brand
4. Personal Organisation
4.1. streamline
4.2. GTD
4.3. Cult of Done
4.4. Need Redundancy
5. Doing it anyway
5.1. art of non-attachment
5.2. demonstrate leadership
5.3. Create momentum
5.4. If you have had the idea...
6. Check for Blocks
6.1. Negative thoughts
6.1.1. list them and question
6.2. Negative feelings
6.2.1. EFT + underline story
6.3. Bodily tension
6.3.1. gentle movement, allowing unconscious to express itself
6.4. Low spirit
6.4.1. food for the spirit + soul!!