evangelism (John 1:35-51)

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evangelism (John 1:35-51) by Mind Map: evangelism (John 1:35-51)

1. Jesus calls disciples

1.1. Philip

2. Jesus offers "teasers"

2.1. "What are you seeking"

2.2. "Come and you will see"

2.3. "Behold an Israelite" Jesus' convo w. Nathiel

2.4. Jesus Renames Peter

3. Friends tell others to Jesus

3.1. Andrew tells Peter

3.2. Philip tells Nathaniel

3.2.1. Nathaniel is skeptical

3.3. John the Baptist points other to the Lamb

4. Modes

4.1. Friends invite friends to Jesus

4.1.1. "come and see"

4.2. Baptist points others to Jesus