Chemistry in Everyday Life

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Chemistry in Everyday Life by Mind Map: Chemistry in Everyday Life

1. Plastics

1.1. Crude Oil

1.2. Polythene

1.2.1. tough & waxy - bags

1.3. Nylon

1.3.1. strong & Hard-wearing - Stockings

1.4. PVC

1.4.1. strong & hard - gutters

1.5. Polystyrene

1.5.1. strong & brittle - white packaging

1.6. Perspex

1.6.1. clear & tough - screens

2. Environment

2.1. Biodegradable

2.1.1. eg Food scraps, paper

2.2. non-biodegradable

2.2.1. Plastics

3. Pharmacy & Medicine

3.1. Drugs

4. Food Industrty

4.1. Fertilizer

4.2. pesticide

4.3. preservatives

5. Fossil Fuels

5.1. Hydrocarbons

5.1.1. Contains Hydrogen & Carbon

5.2. Burning gives off

5.2.1. Always - Carbon Dioxide & Water

5.2.2. Dirty Fuels - Sulphur Dioxide

5.3. Examples

5.3.1. Oil

5.3.2. Coal

5.3.3. Gas

6. Acid Rain

6.1. Gases eg Sulphur Dioxide react with Water

6.1.1. Dilute Sulphuric Acid

6.2. Lowers pH of Rain & Lakes

6.2.1. Kills Trees & Fish

6.3. Corrodes Limestone Statues & Buildings

7. Natural Gas

7.1. Mostly Methane

7.1.1. CH4

7.1.2. Covalent Bond

7.2. Used for Cooking