Human Resources Manager

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Human Resources Manager by Mind Map: Human Resources Manager

1. Employee Productivity

1.1. Flexible scheduling

1.2. Employee rewards

2. Workplace Health & Safety

2.1. Health & Safety precautions

2.2. Incident reports

2.3. Equipment inspections

3. Performance Management

3.1. Personal development

3.2. Opportunities

3.3. Measure performance

3.4. Legal and ethical

3.5. Promotion

4. Administrative Work

4.1. HR meetings

4.2. Company policies

5. Managing Diversity

5.1. Equal employment opportunities

6. Job Analysis

6.1. Collecting job analysis information

6.2. Job specifications

7. Recruitment

7.1. Selection

7.1.1. Interview

7.1.2. Presentations

7.1.3. Short listing

7.2. Advertising

7.2.1. Job Description

7.3. Person specification

7.3.1. Psychometric testing

7.3.2. Aptitude testing

8. Training

8.1. Improve efficiency

8.2. New training methods

8.3. Hands-on learning

9. Rewards Systems

9.1. Pay

9.2. Employee Benefits

10. Employment Legislation

10.1. Equal opportunities

10.2. Contracts

10.3. Holiday leaves

11. Goals