Randys PLE

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Randys PLE by Mind Map: Randys PLE

1. Communication

1.1. Gmail

1.2. VoiceThread

1.3. Prezi

1.4. YouTube

1.5. Google Plus

1.6. Delicious

1.7. Word Press

1.8. Google Reader

2. Creation

2.1. MindMeister

2.2. Word Press

3. Productivity

3.1. Zoho Creator

3.2. Google Drive

3.3. DropBox

3.4. Google Plus

3.5. Form +

4. Organization

4.1. Google Calendar

4.2. Delicious

4.3. Diigo Web

5. Just For Fun

5.1. YouTube

5.2. Google Reader

5.3. BioDigital Human

5.4. Sketchometry