Validity & Reliability

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Validity & Reliability by Mind Map: Validity & Reliability

1. Construct Validity Evidence

1.1. when the test's relationship corresponds well with a theory

1.2. test has not been previously measured or measured very well

2. Concurrent criterion-related validity evidence

2.1. measures can be administered at the same time

2.2. new test and established test is given to respondents

2.3. correlation between the two sets of test scores is found

3. Predictive criterion-related validity evidence

3.1. how well does the test predict how students will do on future tests, such as SAT II, i.e.

4. Content Validity Evidence

4.1. simplest way to determine if a test has sufficient validity evidence

4.2. test may seem valid but can measure something that is different than what may be intended

5. Criterion-Related Validity Evidence

5.1. scores correlated from exterior criterion

5.2. two types of criterion-related validity evidence