Validity & Reliability

The types of both validity and reliability and the information behind them

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Validity & Reliability by Mind Map: Validity & Reliability

1. Predicitve

2. Concurrent

3. and correlate

4. with external standards

5. Take test scores

6. Instructional Objectives

7. Test Items

8. Compares

9. Content Validity

10. Criterion-Related Validity

11. Construct Validity

12. Compare

13. Administer two test equivantly

14. Administer two tests alternatively

15. Averages 2 scores together

16. Split test in 1/2 and assess each and compare.

17. Heavy Method with every question analyzed.

18. Split Half

19. Kuder-Richardson Procedure

20. Test-Retest

21. Alternative Forms Estimates

22. Internal Consistency Estimates