Europe's Early Middle Ages

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Europe's Early Middle Ages by Mind Map: Europe's Early Middle Ages

1. The Vikings

1.1. On Easter Sunday in the year 885, a Viking force attacked and plundered Paris, fa from the sea, sticking a blow at the very heart of Charlemagne's old empire.

1.2. Their war parties destroyed whole regions in the Low Countries ( modern Netherlands and Belgium), Ireland and england.

1.3. The Vikings created many rules and regulations. For example Woman had a bit more power than Men, they could divorce with their husband.

1.4. The Viking Reputation

1.4.1. The Vikings were mercilessly destructive. Especially in their early raids, before they began to settle in lands such as England and France, their common practice was ti kill or enslave every man, woman, and child they found.

1.5. Everyday life among the Vikings

1.5.1. It is important to remember that most of our information on the Vikings comes from the people attacked and plundered. For this reason, many of us tend to have somewhat slanted view of their lives

1.6. Viking Law and Government

1.6.1. The Vikings were great lawmakers, and they designed many laws to protect people and their property, usually these laws were not written down. Instead, people called Law Speakers memorized the law and recited it as needed. The Vikings usually fined criminals, but some dangerous offenders were punished.

1.7. The End Of The Viking Age

1.7.1. The Vikings age ended in the eleventh century.

2. Charlemagne

2.1. Charlemagne*; born on April 2nd, 742 AD, and died January 28, 814 AD.

2.1.1. Charlemagne came to power in western Europe in 768 C.E.

2.1.2. Charlemagne

2.2. Charlemagne father Pepin the Short, made himself king by throwing out the last of the Merovingian rulers. Who had come to be know as the "do nothing" kings.

2.2.1. The pope agreed to recognize Pepin as king because Pepin's father, Charles Martel, had defeated a Muslim army that had threatened to conquer Europe in 732.

2.3. Unlike many of the Germanic rulers who had come before him, Charlemagne, or Charles the Great, was very interested in rebuilding civilization and he had the intelligence and power to do so.

2.4. On Christmas day in 800, he was crowned Emperor of the Romans by Pope Leo III. Because of his great power.

2.4.1. Charlemagne governed his empire from his palace at Aachen in what is now Germany.

2.5. After Charlemagne defeated the Anglo-Saxons he order them to convert to Christianity. When the leaders of the Anglo-Saxons refused, Charlemagne killed them all. All 4000 of them in a single day.

3. The Franks

3.1. Most free men went about armed, often with a special kind of throwing axe called a Francisca.

3.2. One of these groups, the Franks, conquered much of the Roman province of Gaul ( now France) in late fourth centuries.

3.3. As the Roman Legions withdrew from western Europe various Germanic people moved into the territory, fought wars, and established settlement.

3.4. Male and female loved jewellery and kept their long hair.

3.5. Their name for themselves "Franks" meant free."Franchise" the English word for the right to vote comes from this Frankish word.

4. The Anglo-Saxons and The Celts

4.1. The Celts

4.1.1. When the Roman soldiers left Britain in the fifth century, warriors from the area now known as Germany the Anglo, Saxons, and Jutes moved in, driving out the native Celts people.

4.1.2. The Celts had once been a powerful people, inhabiting much of Europe, from Spain all the way to southern Russia Now, in Great Britain, the Celt language and culture disappeared.

4.2. Anglo-Saxon England

4.2.1. Although they thought of themselves as warriors, the Anglo-Saxons, like the Franks, were farmers. They lived in small villages, and men and woman shared the hard work of agriculture between them.

4.2.2. Some trade and business took place, but even the largest towns, such as London, would seem very small by today's standards.

4.2.3. Like other Germanic peoples, the Anglo-Saxons had skilled metal workers. Many examples of their highly elaborate sculpture and jewellery have survied

4.2.4. In the beginning of the ninth century Anglo-Saxon England, like Carolingian France, suffered from devastating Viking raids. Alfred the Great, an early ruler of Anglo-Saxons England, lost many battles with with the Vikings before he learned how to beat them. At his death, Alfred left western and southern England united prosperous.

4.2.5. England as a whole, however, would suffer from deadly combination of weak kings and Viking invaders until the time came of William the Conqueror.

5. The Mediterranean World

5.1. The Mediterranean could sustain the lives of hundreds many even thousands of people. It had fertile soil, plenty of rain, sunshine, and a good climate.

5.2. The Mediterranean Sea itself formed a transportation route that encouraged people to travel widely to trade and to learn from each other.

5.3. The also made great advance literature, medicine, and science.

5.4. They gathered thinkers and builders from Asia, eastern Europe, and the Middle East.

5.4.1. They would use them to build palaces and buildings for the empire.

5.5. The Roman Legions were so powerful that the Roman Empire at it's peak controlled northern Africa.

5.6. For more than six centuries, the Mediterranean world and the Roman Empire were really one and the same.

6. The Romans

6.1. The Romans were highly literate people some Romans would write thousands books and poems and libraries were filled with Greek, Egyptian,and Roman books.

6.1.1. Romans spoke English, and Latin

6.2. The Colosseum

6.2.1. The Colosseum could hold over 50,000 spectators.

6.2.2. The Colosseum was one of the greatest building every made in Rome.

6.3. The Romans Built great cities decorated with works of art, magnificent gardens, arenas, public baths, and theatres.

6.4. The Fall of Rome

6.4.1. In the year 410 C.E. the Mediterranean world was shocked by news that the city of Rome, the centre of European by the Goths.( A Germanic Tribe)

6.5. After The Fall

6.5.1. Centuries after the fall of Rome, Greek and Roman civilizations were great.

6.6. Why Rome Fell

6.6.1. The Romans fell because the Barbarians invaded their empire, and before the could attack the Barbarians left with their fast dragon boats. The Barbarians attacked with a battle axe called Francisa