Social Semiotic Approach to Multimodality

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Social Semiotic Approach to Multimodality by Mind Map: Social Semiotic Approach to Multimodality

1. Semiotic Theory

1.1. Basic Unit is the sign: Combination of signified and signifier

1.1.1. Signified = form sign takes / Signifier = concept it represents Car Signs are arbitrary

2. Social Semiotics

2.1. Basic unit is the sign: Combination of signified and signifier

2.1.1. Signified = form sign takes / Signifier = concept it represents Car Signs are NOT arbitrary: they are constantly being newly made

3. Multimodality

3.1. Basic unit is the sign: Combination of signified and signifier.

3.1.1. Signified = form sign takes / Signifier = concept it represents Car

3.2. Modes are organized sets of resources for making meaning: linguistic, visual, aural, gestural, and spatial.

3.2.1. Each mode contributes to the whole meaning of the message.

3.2.2. Meaning is made, distributed, interpreted, and remade through many modes, not just speech and text. Assumption that all modes are equally important for meaning making. Different aspects of meaning are carried in different ways by each mode.