Final Paper Outline

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Final Paper Outline by Mind Map: Final Paper Outline

1. Key Terms

1.1. Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning

1.2. Social Cognitive Theory

1.3. Bloom's Taxonomy

2. Analysis of MindMeister

2.1. Experience based on concepts

2.2. relevant ideas/concepts/theories

2.3. examples using key terms

3. Introduction

3.1. Thesis Statement

3.2. Reasoning for choosing MindMeister

3.2.1. Other classes

3.3. How Project relates to communication

3.3.1. E-Learning

3.4. Forecast remainder of paper for reader

4. Description of MindMeister

4.1. History

4.2. How it evolved

4.3. How it is used in communication

4.3.1. positives

4.3.2. negatives

5. Conclusion

5.1. Summary

5.2. Final insights

5.3. Examples to support claim