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Chapter 5 Glossary by Mind Map: Chapter 5 Glossary

1. access barriers

1.1. Situations preventing communication due to a patient's capabilities and resources using the AAC

2. aided

2.1. A symbol that needs something external in order for the message to be conveyed

2.1.1. Draw a picture

2.1.2. Type a message

3. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

3.1. A communication degenerative disease that results in the deterioration of speech skills and respiratory functioning

3.1.1. Lou Gehrig's Disease

4. augmentative and alternative communication

4.1. Alternate approach to treating a communication disorder by focusing on how the disorder affects a patient's daily living and how to cope more productively within their life.

5. autism spectrum disorders

5.1. A development disorder characterized by lack of social interaction or communication limitations

6. cerebal palsy

6.1. A neuromotor impairment that occurs from damage prior,during or after brith

7. childhood apraxia of speech

7.1. A speech disorder that causes the lack of control in speech movement

7.1.1. Development apraxia of speech

8. coded access

8.1. When someone uses a set of symbols in a particular order from the set.

8.1.1. Mores code

9. communication competence

9.1. The ability to work toward communication at an independent level

10. communication environments

11. dementia

11.1. A degenerative that causes impaired communication

11.1.1. Huntington's Disease

11.1.2. Alzheimer's Disease

12. direct selection

12.1. Direct motor act not based on time

12.1.1. 4 Types

13. electronic

13.1. devices that are technologically generated for speech

14. independent communciation

15. indirect selection

15.1. Indirect motor act

16. information transfer

16.1. Information that is both sent and received

17. intellectual disability

17.1. Having significant limits in regards to cognitive functioning and behavior

17.1.1. Mental retardation

18. social etiquette

18.1. Ability to be polite and use social standards to communicate with others

19. social roles

19.1. The part a person plays in their culture/society

19.1.1. Mother/father

19.1.2. Daughter/son

19.1.3. Employee/Employer

20. speech generating device

20.1. A device that produces words/phrases for a patient in lieu of speaking and being misunderstood

20.2. A device that produces words/phrases for a patient in lieu of speaking and being misunderstood

20.2.1. Cerebal Palsy patient with unpredictable motor skills

21. static

21.1. Symbols that don't need movement or change to understand the meaning

21.1.1. Photograph

22. strategy

22.1. The way symbols are arranged and conveyed

22.1.1. 3rd component of AAC

23. stroke

23.1. When the blood supply to the brain stop or the blood vessel rupture creating brain damage

24. symbol

24.1. Something that represents something else

24.1.1. Acoustic

24.1.2. Tactile

24.1.3. Manual

24.1.4. Graphic

25. technique

25.1. The manner message are transmitted

25.1.1. Direct Selection

25.1.2. Indirect Selection

26. visual scene display

26.1. Displays using pictures or photos to represent a place or situation

27. Traumatic brain injury

27.1. Injury to the brain caused by a traumatic situation

27.1.1. Falling off a motorcycle

27.1.2. Hitting head on pavement

28. AAC System

28.1. 4 different components used to enhance communication

28.1.1. symbols

28.1.2. strategies

28.1.3. aid

28.1.4. technique

29. aid

29.1. A device used to assist someone in sending or receiving a message in order to assist with conveying speech or writing

30. communication roles

30.1. The specific part a person plays in communicating

31. complex communication needs

31.1. Severe speech, language and/or motor/cognitive impairments that prevent patients from communicating on a daily basis effectively

31.1.1. severe communication disorders/impairments

32. comprehensive AAC assessment

32.1. Test to measure and identify what contributors factors affects a patients communication skills

33. context-dependent communication

33.1. Individuals with more reliable methods of communication but limited to only a few people or contexts at the time

34. dynamic

34.1. Symbols that require movement to understand the meaning of them

34.1.1. Gestures

35. dynamic display

35.1. A visual change seen once a symbol is chosen

36. emerging communication

36.1. Individuals who are able to communication with limited symbols but still gaining consistent methods of communication

36.1.1. Infant vocalizations/babbles

37. fixed display

37.1. A display that remains the same before and after a symbol is chosen

38. hybrid display

38.1. An AAc system that uses a combination of display types

39. iconicity

39.1. To what extent symbols visually look like what they're referring to

40. multidisplinary team

40.1. A group of professionals that assist in the AAC assessment

40.1.1. Speech Pathologist

40.1.2. PT/OT

40.1.3. Rehabilitation engineer

40.1.4. Dr/Nurse/Social Worker

41. multimodal

41.1. when people use various communication forms to convey their communication goal.

41.1.1. listening

41.1.2. reading

41.1.3. talking

41.1.4. writing

41.1.5. sign language

42. opaque

42.1. When symbols look little like what they are referring to

43. opportunity barriers

43.1. Circumstances preventing a person to participate in activities involving communication

43.1.1. Policy

43.1.2. Practice

43.1.3. Skill

43.1.4. Knowledge

43.1.5. Attitude

44. Parkinson's Disease

44.1. A disease that causes deterioration of basal ganglia in the CNS

45. scanning

45.1. A set of symbols configured by a communication device using a switch

46. social closeness

46.1. Interactions between one another to develop relationships using communication

47. unaided

47.1. Symbols that use only your body

47.1.1. Speaking

47.1.2. Gesturing

47.1.3. Vocalizing