1. Writing
1.1. Strand1: Number Sense Concept 1 Po16 Identify money by name nickel, penny, dime, quarter and dollar
1.2. Concept 5: Functional Write a variety of functional text such as a grocery list
1.2.1. Activity: Have student spretent that they are going shopping for groceries. As a class generate a class grocery list fo items student buy or would like to buy at the grocery store. Have student create their own grocery list for the social studies lesson.
1.2.2. Students will be able to phonetically write out a list of items that will be purchased in grocey store.
2. Social Studies
2.1. Strand1: Number Sense Concept 1 Po16 Identify money by name nickel, penny, dime, quarter and dollar
2.2. Strand 5 Economics Po6 recognize that people save money for future goods and services
2.2.1. Read the story A Chair for my Mother by Vera B. Williams. Students will be able to exchange money to purchase goods. Transform the classroom into a grocey story. Designate children to be cashiers in the grocery store. Give each child money and have them use their shopping list to buy items in the grocery store.
3. Arts
3.1. Strand1: Number Sense Concept 1 Po16 Identify money by name nickel, penny, dime, quarter and dollar
3.2. Strande 1 Create Concept 1 singing with others Po1 singing on pitch
3.2.1. objective: students will be able to identify the words to the money song and sing on pitch Activity: Studnets will sing the coin song "penny, penny easily spent, copper brown and worth one cent, Nickel, Nickel, thick and fat, You're worth five cents I know that, dime, dime, little and thin, I remember you're worth ten, quarter, quarter, big and bold, you're worth 25 cents I'm told! As student sing the song have students stand up when their coin is called in the song.
4. Mathematics
4.1. Strand1: Number Sense Concept 1 Po16 Identify money by name nickel, penny, dime, quarter and dollar
4.1.1. Students must have understanding of money. Review with students the name and amounts of each coin. Objective students will be able to work with a partner and make $1.00 with various coins. Activity: students given bags full on coins and plastic cup with $1.00 written on the cup. Students are to fill the cup with coins that make a dollar. Students are to draw picture of coin combinations.
4.2. Count money through $1.00 using coins
4.3. Concept 5: Functional Write a variety of functional text such as label
5. Science
5.1. Strand1: Number Sense Concept 1 Po16 Identify money by name nickel, penny, dime, quarter and dollar
5.1.1. Students must have understanding of the penny. The objective student will be able make predictions based on observations. Activity: After students make predictions based on the question "Which solution will clean the penny the best?" Students will test predictions using soapy water, soda and ketchup.
5.2. Concept 1: Observations, Questions, Hypothesis PO. Ask questions based on experiences with objects, Po3 predict results and Concept 2 Scientific Testing Po. Use simple tools to correct data.
6. Reading-Literacy
6.1. Strand1: Number Sense Concept 1 Po16 Identify money by name nickel, penny, dime, quarter and dollar
6.1.1. Read the story: My Rows and Piles of Coins by Tolowla M. Mollel. Students will be able to idenitfy the number of syllables in the given money words. After reading the story students will work to identify the number of syllables in the money words dime, quarter, penny, dollar and nickel. If the word has two syllables or more the student will place it int he can label 2 syllables and if the word has one syllable the word in place in the one syllable can.
6.2. Concet 2 Phonemic Awareness orally segment a mulit-syllable word into its syllables
7. Health/Physical Education
7.1. Strand1: Number Sense Concept 1 Po16 Identify money by name nickel, penny, dime, quarter and dollar
7.2. Strandard 1, 1PA-F1demonstarte mature form of locomotive movements and select manipulatives, Po1 perform all 8 locomotive motions with mature form.
7.2.1. objective: students will perform locomotive motions while recognitizing colors and money. Activity: The purpose of the activity is for students to work in a group to retrieve different colored bean bags that represent a designated money amount and carry their bean bag to their bank (hula hoop) using a locomotive motion.