Microorganisms Friends and Foe

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Microorganisms Friends and Foe by Mind Map: Microorganisms Friends and Foe

1. Harmful microorganisms

1.1. They are harmful in many Ways. Some microorganisms cause disease in human beings Such causing microorganisms are called pathogens

2. Examples 1) cholera 2) common cold 3) chicken fox 4) tuberculosis

2.1. Harmful microorganisms That can spread from an Infected person to a healthy person through air,water,food these contact are called communicable disease

3. Microorganisms are also spoil the food are called food poisoning

4. How to make food preservation 1) chemical method 2) preservation by common salt 3) preservation by sugar 4) preservation by oil 5) heat and cold treatments 6) storage and packing

5. Types of microorganisms

5.1. Bacteria Fungi Protozoa Algae Virus

5.2. Microorganisms are also help in preparation of food and medicines they are also used in agriculture field and increase soil fertility by fixing nitrogen

5.3. Microorganisms are also help in process of conversion of sugar into alcohol is known fermentation

6. Microorganisms are organisms which cannot seen by our naked eyes they can see by with the help of microscope are called microorganisms

7. Nitrogen fixation:- Rhizobium involved in fixation of nitrogen in leguminous plant, Rhizobium lives in roots nodules of leguminous plants, green algae present in the soil fix nitrogen from the atmosphere and convert it into these unable compounds it can be utilised by plant from the soil through their roots system. Nitrogen is then used for the systhesis of plant and protein and other compounds. Animals feeding on plants get these Protein and other nitrogen compounds

8. Bacteria helps in agriculture field nitrogen fixation and Preparation of curd, medicines

9. Viruses are also microscopic But are different from other Microorganisms, they can cause serious disease

10. Antibodies are medicines Which give energy for fight Against with microbes may enter our body