Everything Belongs to a group by R. Jacobsen

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Everything Belongs to a group by R. Jacobsen by Mind Map: Everything Belongs to a group by R. Jacobsen

1. social studies (citizenship)

1.1. communities

1.1.1. school

1.1.2. neighborhood

1.1.3. church

1.1.4. athletic

1.2. rules/expectations

2. literacy

2.1. words belong in groups

2.1.1. nouns/verbs

2.2. puncuation

2.3. group words according to phonics

3. arts

3.1. color

3.2. line

3.3. shape

3.4. texture

4. science (organisims)

4.1. plants

4.2. animals

5. mathematic (number sense)

5.1. even/odd

5.2. multiple of 5

5.3. multiple of 10

5.4. fact families

6. movement

6.1. with legs

6.2. with arms

6.3. with head