Julius Caesar Important Words

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Julius Caesar Important Words by Mind Map: Julius Caesar Important Words

1. Julius Caesar

1.1. Importance: Caesar is who the characters in the play are plotting to kill. They believe that he is a bad leader and therefore needed to be removed.

1.2. "Let no images be hung with Caesar's trophies"

1.3. Julius Caesar 100 BC- 44 BC - One of the Most famous Rulers of Rome, he was the one of the leaders in changing the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire. He was hated by some of the other statesman, and therefore, murdered.

2. Pompey

2.1. Quote: "Knew you not Pompey?"

2.2. Definition: Roman general; Latin name Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus; known as Pompey the Great. He founded the First Triumvirate, an alliance between three very powerful senator

2.3. Importance: Pompey is important because Caeser Had beat him in an election and now his supporters are angry and some want to kill Caeser.

3. Cogitations

3.1. Quote: "Thoughts of great value, worthy cogitations"

3.2. Definition: serious thoughtful meditation and reflection

3.3. Importance: It is important because it lets us know that Cassius has kept thoughts to himself about Brutus

4. outward favor

4.1. Quote: "As well as I do know your out war favor."

4.2. Definition: Variations in the physical appearance of humans, known as human looks

4.3. Importance: It is important because it lets us know that Cassius knows Brutus's physical appearance

5. Cicero

5.1. "Cicero looks with such ferret and fiery eyes as we have seen him in the Capitol at the senators that crossed him"

5.2. Cicero 106 BC - 47 BC - A famous Roman senator who worked at the time of Julius Caesar's rule. Believed to be one of the plotters against Julius Caesar, he was murdered.

5.3. Importance: Cicero was one of the members of the group plotting to kill Julius Caesar in the play. Historically he was majorly apposed to Mark Antony, a friend of Caesar's.