Twarketing-Marketing with Twitter

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Twarketing-Marketing with Twitter by Mind Map: Twarketing-Marketing with Twitter

1. Win something

1.1. Example: Retweet and win iPhone

1.2. Upload a photo of an object every day mentioned on our blog. One winner every day for a week, win printing credit

2. Make something happen

2.1. Example: Retweet and give candy to X

2.2. Retweet @polarrose and an object that you want a picture of. We'll snap one for you.

2.3. Name our latest update, photographers

2.4. Product team swimming competition, who should win? Pictures with swimming hats. Vote on The winner gets to start 30 second before the others. Then the competition with results and photos or videoclip.

3. Social event

3.1. The worlds biggest BBQ on the beach, gather as many as possible