USF Computer Science

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USF Computer Science by Mind Map: USF Computer Science

1. Program Control

1.1. sequencing

1.2. command-line IO

1.2.1. Python input

1.2.2. Python print

1.3. conditionals

1.3.1. intro to conditionals, Python

1.3.2. conditionals in Thunkable

1.4. Iteration

1.4.1. for loop through string loop through list nested loop

1.4.2. foreach

1.4.3. while with arbitrary condition

1.5. event handlers

1.5.1. thunkable intro

1.6. functions

1.6.1. calling functions

1.6.2. parameter passing

1.6.3. designing functions

1.6.4. recursion

1.7. Modules

1.7.1. Python Module Basics

1.7.2. Python Math Module

2. Social Impact

3. Databases

3.1. SQL

3.1.1. W3Schools SQL Intro

3.2. NoSQL

3.3. Data Design Fundamentals

3.3.1. Data Design Intro using Adalo

3.4. DB Implementation

4. Systems

4.1. Basic Data Rep.

4.1.1. Binary

4.1.2. ASCII

4.2. Translation

4.2.1. high/low level languages

4.3. Operating Systems

4.3.1. Unix/Linux Command Line intro to command-line Code Academy: Learn Command Line

4.3.2. OS internals scheduling paging

4.4. Architecture

4.4.1. Memory Visualization stack and heap activation records

5. Language

5.1. Object-Oriented

5.2. Functional

5.3. Event-Based

5.4. Python History

5.4.1. zybooks Python 1.8

6. AI

6.1. Machine Learning

7. Human-Computer Interaction

7.1. HCI fundamentals

7.1.1. input validation

7.2. UX

7.3. User Testing

8. Software Engineering

8.1. Prototyping/Rapid Dev

8.1.1. Build Mini-Instagram with Adalo

8.2. Development Tools

8.2.1. python command line

8.2.2. replit

8.2.3. Python Tutor

8.3. Debugging

8.4. Top-Down Design

8.5. Bottom-up Implementation

8.6. Errors and Exceptions

8.6.1. error types: syntax, runtime, semantic zybooks 1.4 Errors

8.6.2. Exception Handling

8.6.3. assertions

9. Data Structures and Algorithms

9.1. Variables

9.1.1. zybooks 2.1. variables and assignments

9.1.2. Assignment

9.1.3. Expressions

9.1.4. Increment

9.1.5. variable scope

9.1.6. copying vs. aliasing

9.2. Data Types

9.2.1. type conversion

9.2.2. integers

9.2.3. floating point

9.2.4. Strings strings and characters replacing split and join slicing

9.2.5. Booleans

9.2.6. Lists

9.2.7. Dictionaries

9.3. Sorting

9.4. Trees

9.5. Graphs

9.6. Search Algorithms