Students Laptop & Internet Rules and Regulations

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Students Laptop & Internet Rules and Regulations by Mind Map: Students Laptop & Internet Rules and Regulations

1. After Class

1.1. Put Laptop Away

1.2. remember to plug laptop back into charger

2. Did You Break the Rules?

2.1. Care of laptop

2.2. Downloading/Instalation

2.3. Putting Laptops away

3. During Class

3.1. What can Students do with the Laptop?

3.1.1. Type papers

3.1.2. Make PowerPoints

3.1.3. Search for information related to subject

3.1.4. Watch videos provided by teacher

3.2. Downloading/Instalation

3.2.1. Only when instructor tells students to download or gives them an appropriate link

3.3. Care of Laptop

3.3.1. Handle with care

3.3.2. remember laptop number