7.1.3 compare and contrast diverse social and economic structures within the societies of Aborigi...

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7.1.3 compare and contrast diverse social and economic structures within the societies of Aboriginal, French and British peoples in pre-Confederation Canada by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and issues. por Mind Map: 7.1.3 compare and contrast diverse social and economic structures within the societies of Aboriginal, French and British peoples in pre-Confederation Canada by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and issues.

1. How was European imperialism responsible for the development of Acadia, New France and 
British settlements?

1.1. The European counties who established colonies in North America all shared common goals. Both England and France moved to gain an economic advantage over the other. France wanted to trade items to get rare, expensive furs as well as farm land that was not available in France. England wanted resources that would help them flourish as a country and gain power over their French rivals.

2. Who were the key figures in the French exploration and settlement of North America?

3. What roles did the Royal Government and the Catholic Church play in the social structure of 
New France (i.e., governor, intendant, Jesuits, religious congregations)?

3.1. Jesuits: Missionaries that tried to spread the religion of Christianity, both Protestant and Catholic. Seigniorial System: The King of France split New France into pieces of land. Seigniors owned a piece of land and hired habitants to farm the land. The harvested material would then be sent back to the King of France to be sold.

4. Who were the key figures in the British exploration and settlement of North America?

5. What role did the British government play in the settlement of North America?

5.1. The British government were the people that sent colonists and explorers in their expeditions, in hope of finding an outstanding settlement. Later the British brought the process of mercantilism into the Thirteen Colonies, supplying the Thirteen Colonies with tools such as pots and pans.

6. What were the different ways in which Aboriginal societies were structured (i.e., Iroquois 
Confederacy, Ojibwa, Mi’kmaq)?

7. How did the structures of Aboriginal societies affect decision making in each society 
(i.e., role and status of women, consensus building)?

7.1. Mikmaq: The Mikmaq were lead by chief, also known as the sakmaw. These chiefs were historically chosen by tribal council members, though now are elected, just as mayors or governors. Groups in the Mikmaq were known as either tribes or bands. Every tribe or band had separate and unique laws and enforcement.

7.2. Ojibwa: Ojibwa, was separated into groups called clans. These clans were headed by chiefs, that were chosen based on hunting ability, religious knowledge and personal values. Other people known as Shamans also functioned as leaders of clans. Clans were large families; if a child was born the child would move to the mother's clan.

7.3. Blackfoot: The Blackfoot was organized into tribes. Each tribe had a head chief. A tribe would elect a diligent head chief the would run their colony with much respect. In times of war a tribe would elect a chief that showed much bravery, this chief would be called a war chief. When a nation was a peace, a peace chief would be elected, this type of chief would help build affairs with other colonies and tribes. All the chiefs must agree to make a final decision (consensus).

7.4. Iroquois: The Iroquois was sorted into six tribes or nations, within those tribes there were clans. Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Tuscarora and Seneca; together these nations created the Iroquois Confederacy. Each tribe would have a chief and a clan mother, all the chiefs would go to a grand council to make major decisions.

8. What were the social and economic factors of European imperialism?

8.1. The four main reasons that the Europeans wanted to expand their empires is because of: Economics and Money: The Europeans wanted to receive more resources and claim a larger area of land. e.g. Beaver furs in Canada. Competition: Countries in Europe were often at war with other countries, and the more land that a county owned, the more powerful it was. Resources were also sent from the colonies to the main country, these resources were often used to build up the country's military. Religion: Europeans were mostly Christian and believed that there was only one true faith, though within the Christian religion there was competition between the Catholics and Protestants, therefore both people wanted to spread their religion. Curiosity: The Europeans were very curious about the land beyond where they had explored and wanted to learn more about that unexplored land.

9. In what ways did European imperialism impact the social and economic structures of 
Aboriginal societies?

9.1. Aboriginals were impacted positively by the Europeans because they advanced their technology and helped develop the fur trade. Europeans provided materials and tools to the Aboriginals, such as pots, pans, guns and furniture. The Europeans also harmed the First Nations, by replacing the Aboriginal way of life with their own. First Nations traditions were pushed out of the way by the strong Christian beliefs of the European people. A prime example of this was when the Blackfoot children were forced into residential school, where english was the only language to be spoken. The children were taught European culture and traditions of Christianity.