7.1.3 compare and contrast diverse social and economic structures within the societies of Aborig...

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7.1.3 compare and contrast diverse social and economic structures within the societies of Aboriginal, French and British peoples in pre-Confederation Canada by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and issues: by Mind Map: 7.1.3 compare and contrast diverse social and economic structures  within the societies of Aboriginal, French and British peoples in  pre-Confederation Canada by exploring and reflecting upon the  following questions and issues:

1. 7- What roles did the Royal Government and the Catholic Church play in the social structure of New France (i.e., governor, intendant, Jesuits, religious congregations)?

1.1. The Governor was the most powerful person of in the sovereign council he spoke on behalf of the king.The Intendant he was the second most improtant member that took care of the colonies and saw what roads wore being built and took care of the settlers.The Bishop was the head of the church. His job was not just about church he was also part of the Sovereign Council he gave seminaries to teach other priests and more.

2. 8-Who were the key figures in the British exploration and settlement of North America?

2.1. Walter Raleigh- Was a English explorer poet,writer,spy ,courtier, aristocrat and soldier.Henry Kelsey- Was a English explorer and fur trader also a sailor.Anthony Henday-The person that funded the hudson bay company.Henry Hudson- English sea exproler. John Cabot-Was the person who found Newfoundland.John Guy-Is man who made colonies in Newfoundland

3. 9-What role did the British government play in the settlement of North America?

3.1. They expanded the poplation of North America bring more and more people to North America making it a place where people want to live in slowly being to become Canada.

4. 1- What were the different ways in which Aboriginal societies were structured (i.e., Iroquois Confederacy, Ojibwa, Mi’kmaq)?

4.1. Iroquois Confederacy- They use consensus to solve problems or change something in the government. There nation was organized into clans which had their own representative.

4.2. Ojibwa-The ojibwa's decision making process used consensus which meant everyone had to be happy with the decision before it was put through.

4.3. Mi'kamq- The decision was made by leaders who were chosen for their ability to reach agreement.

5. 2- How did the structures of Aboriginal societies affect decision making in each society (i.e., role and status of women, consensus building)?

5.1. The role of women in the aboriginal societies was to care for the kids,cook,clean,sew and bead work. For consensus everyone had to agree when they had to make a decision or it would not be made.They used consens with the clan mother who chosesed Hoyaneh /chief to be the represent their nation in the grand council and the chief was not doing his job and not represent their nation the clan mother would chose someone else even if one person did not agree with the distion they would have to do the whole process aging.

5.1.1. ```

6. 3- What were the social and economic factors of European imperialism?

6.1. Economics- To make colonies and have land for their needs and resources for them. Fur trade was also a big deal back then to keep warm in the winter. Competition- If they expanded the empire to places that have metal and iron they could use that stuff when they were at war. Religion-To spread their faith they would send missionaries to different places to spread there religion. Last but not least Curiosity - The Europeans wanted to discover the places they have not been to. See what more there was, which would help them make new maps and new navigation tools.

7. 5- How was European imperialism responsible for the development of Acadia, New France and British settlements?

7.1. The European imperialism had a lot to do with the development of Acadia, New France and the British settlements because the king of France gave monopolies to merchants who in return agreed to build settlements in North America and the British settlements were private groups that were given permission by King James I to have colonies along the eastern coast of North America.

8. 6- Who were the key figures in the French exploration and settlement of North America?

8.1. Jacques Cartier- Was the man sent by king Louis the XIV to find a route from North america to Asia.John Cabot- Was a explorer and a navigator he discovered many parts of North America.Samuel de Champlain- He was known/called the founder of new france he did everything to make to new france possible growing colonies lived from 1567-1635 and died on Christmas day.Louis XIV- Was the king of France in the year 1541 for a long time . Pierre Radisson- French explorer and trader for the hudson bay company. René Robert Cavelier de la Salle- Was french explorer that explored the great lakes and the Mississippi river,golf of Mexico and more

9. 4- In what ways did European imperialism impact the social and economic structures of Aboriginal societies?

9.1. New france made fur trade with the first nations. New france had made alliances with first nations groups such as the Montagnais, the Algonquin and the Wendat. The French and the Haudenosaunee had been enemies since Jacques Cartier had found North America,Since New France was very close to the Haudenosaunee group the people would always go out with protection from them incase they were attacked.