1. Hardware
1.1. iPhone
1.1.1. iPhone 3G
1.1.2. iPhone 3GS
1.1.3. iPhone 4 (retina)
1.1.4. iPhone 4S (retina/dual core)
1.1.5. iPhone 5
1.2. iPod
1.2.1. 3rd generation (no camera)
1.3. iPad
1.3.1. iPad 1st gen
1.3.2. iPad 2 (dual core)
1.3.3. iPad with Retina display (dual core)
1.3.4. iPad mini
2. UI
2.1. Accessibility
2.2. Half pixels
2.3. Retina display
2.4. Non-retina display
2.5. Extended status bar resizing
2.6. Portrait
2.7. Landscape
2.8. Smooth animations
3. Functionality
3.1. Location services
3.2. Email
3.2.1. Email configured Default to Default subject Default body
3.2.2. No email configured
3.3. Forced updates
3.4. Pull-to-refresh bar
3.4.1. Updates timestamp
3.4.2. Makes proper network request
3.5. Webviews
4. Network
4.1. 3G
4.2. EDGE
4.3. Wi-Fi
4.4. Airplane Mode
4.5. Simulated poor connection
4.5.1. On first launch
4.5.2. Error message on timeouts
4.5.3. Doesn't block main thread
5. Data
5.1. Preserved through data model changes
5.2. Time Settings
5.2.1. Properly display all time zones
5.2.2. Relative time displays
5.2.3. Switching between time zones
5.2.4. System time too fast/slow
5.3. Internationalization
5.3.1. Supported languages?
5.3.2. Long translated strings fit
5.3.3. Localized text in images
5.3.4. Region formats
5.3.5. Right-to-left text input
5.4. Caching
6. Software
6.1. iOS
6.1.1. 4.x
6.1.2. 5.x
6.1.3. 6.x
6.2. Crash reporting
6.3. Analytics
6.4. Memory Warnings
6.4.1. No crashes
6.4.2. View state is preserved
6.5. Upgrades
6.5.1. Upgrade path from all previous versions
6.5.2. User settings are preserved Push notifications Credentials User preferences
6.6. Backgrounding
6.6.1. App closes in time
6.6.2. App state preserved on next launch