Validity and Reliability

Various types of Validity and Reliability in Educational Assessments.

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Validity and Reliability by Mind Map: Validity and Reliability

1. Validity

1.1. Content Validity

1.1.1. The administrator must establish the goal to be measured before the testing.

1.1.2. A group of items must represent the content.

1.2. Construct Validity

1.2.1. The test measures the information it was designed to measure.

1.2.2. The theory underlying the construct to be measured must be considered.

1.2.3. The adequacy of test in measuring the construct is evaluated.

2. Reliability

2.1. Retest Method

2.1.1. Examines consistency of the responses of the 2 tests.

2.1.2. The outlook of the respondents are different from the 1st test.

2.2. Alternative Form Method

2.2.1. The test is administered again, but the test contains different information.

2.2.2. The 2 tests are designed to measure the same concepts and goals.