Graphic Novels in the Classroom

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Graphic Novels in the Classroom by Mind Map: Graphic Novels in the Classroom

1. Even if you don't want to teach with graphic novels in the classroom, they make great individual reading books for students. Especially for ESL/ELL students or struggling readers because the images help to enhance literacy.

2. Different ways to approach graphic novels in the classroom...

2.1. Historical Perspective

2.2. Social/Cultural Perspective

2.3. Graphic Novels as Memoirs

3. Here are some great graphic novels you can use in the classroom (courtesy of the YLA awards website): 1. Amir and Khalil. “Zahra’s Paradise.” First Second, 2011 2. Bendis, Brian Michael and Alex Maleev. “Scarlet.” Marvel/Icon Comics, 2011. 3. Brosgal, Vera. “Anya’s Ghost.” First Second, 2011. 4. Gladstone, Brooke, Josh Neufeld, and others. “The Influencing Machine: Brooke Gladstone on the Media.” W. W. Norton and Company, 2011. 5. Langridge, Roger, Chris Samnee, and others. 6. “Thor: The Mighty Avenger V. 1.” Marvel, 2010. 7. “Thor: The Mighty Avenger V. 2.” Marvel, 2011. 8. McLeod, Kagan. “Infinite Kung Fu.” Top Shelf, 2011. 9. Mori, Kaoru. “A Bride’s Story V. 1.” Yen Press, 2011. 10. Nicolle, Malachai and Ethan Nicolle. “Axe Cop V. 1.” Dark Horse, 2011.

4. This is a great article from The Book Whiperer, otherwise known as Donalyn Miller, about the benefits of using graphic novels in the classroom.

4.1. Check it out:

5. You could also get your school librarian involved by suggesting that he or she order some graphic novels for your school library. Below is a link to a post by a middle school librarian who has had great success with implementing graphic novels in her school library.

6. This is a great website where you can raise funds to buy graphic novels (or anything) for your class. This page shows how one teacher used Maus by Art Spiegelman to teach her students about the Holocaust. This site allowed her to raise enough money to buy a class set of books!