Legalization of Industrial Hemp

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Legalization of Industrial Hemp by Mind Map: Legalization of Industrial Hemp

1. Cause

1.1. Add money to the economy

1.1.1. Lower the dept

1.1.2. People would have more money to buy things and put more money in the economy

2. Cause

2.1. Create a significant amount of jobs

2.1.1. Lower unemployment rate

2.1.2. Lower the crime rate by raising the amount of money people have in their pockets and how many more people can get jobs

3. Cause

3.1. More people could afford nice, high quality hemp products.

3.1.1. Low income families would still be able to have luxurys

3.1.2. Lower class families would be able to afford high quality necessities Clothes, building materials, food, ect.

4. Cause

4.1. The quality of goods would rise

4.1.1. Things would last longer. They wouldnt deteriorate as quickly.