1. Pressure Points
1.1. Proper pillows
1.2. Zero G
1.3. Sensory deprivation tank
1.4. Magnetic levitation
1.5. Horizontal controlled zones
1.6. cushion of air
1.7. Hammocks
1.8. Cocoon
1.9. Legume free bed
1.10. Water bed
1.11. Memory foam
2. Orientation
2.1. Variable bed height
2.2. Verticle / Stand up bed
2.3. Inverted bed
2.4. Rotating / turntable
2.5. Bed moves to new locations
3. Sleep Pattern Awareness
3.1. Accelerometer to determine best wake time
3.2. Motion detection to determine dream state
3.3. Dream Awareness
3.3.1. Soothes/alters dream if senses nightmare reactions
3.4. Monitor sleep pattern to determine best time to go to bed
3.5. Brain wave awareness
4. Other Occupant Control
4.1. Ejector bed
4.2. Pet mode
4.3. Nudge occupant if snoring
4.4. Makes it uncomfortable for occupant if snoring so they move or roll over in their sleep
4.5. Disturbance/vibration control to counteract and eliminate movements by other occupant
5. Cleaning
5.1. Can act as toilet
5.2. Sick mode
5.3. Ultrasonic to kill bed bugs
5.4. Disposable auto bed liners / sheets
5.5. Self making bed
6. Physical needs
6.1. Hydration
6.1.1. Water
6.1.2. Warm milk
6.1.3. Tea
6.2. Sustenance
6.2.1. bananas, honey, potatoes, oatmeal, almonds, flaxseeds, and whole-wheat bread
6.3. Muscle development
6.4. Self grooming
6.4.1. wash body bed that converts to a bath
6.4.2. shampoo hair
6.4.3. brushes teeth
6.4.4. brushes hair
7. Alter State of Mind
7.1. Hypnosis
7.2. Drugs
7.3. Alcohol
7.4. Pyramid over bed to harness energy
7.5. Crystals
7.6. Copper bands to focus brain waves
8. unsure how to categorize
8.1. 2 Dog Night Very Cold Nights
8.2. Kick in with features based on type of sleep; senses a poor sleep
8.3. bed anywhere; pop-up
8.4. Magnetic bed that draws the user to it
8.5. Control child's bed/environment if unable to sleep
9. Home Automation
9.1. Turn off TV
9.2. Internet cancelling
9.3. Cellular jamming
9.4. Power cancelling
9.5. Turn down thermostat
9.6. Adjust environmental controls when time to wake
9.7. Control home security system
9.8. Close blinds automatically
10. Motion Control
10.1. Rocking / vibrating
10.2. Motion cancelling
10.3. Rock / shake bed when time to wake
11. Healing Capabilities
11.1. Assists in healing wounds
11.1.1. Immobilizes broken limbs
11.2. Mild cryogenics
11.3. Hyperbaric chamber
11.4. Exfoliating
11.5. Drug filter
11.6. Caffeine removal
11.7. Blood filter
11.8. Massaging beds
11.8.1. water
11.8.2. air
11.9. Sick bags
11.10. Storage for wet/warm clothes
12. Time Control
12.1. Slow down the Earth to give more time to sleep
12.2. Time warp zones
12.3. Suspended Annimation
13. Holographic
13.1. Projection of images
13.1.1. Sheep on ceiling
13.1.2. Stars
13.1.3. Beach
13.2. Movies
13.3. Simulate an occupant in bed with you
13.3.1. Changes the appearance of the occupant in the bed with you
14. Productivity
14.1. Capture creative ideas
14.2. Random idea generator
14.3. To do list
14.4. Read to you
14.4.1. Morgan Freeman
14.4.2. Other celebrities
14.5. Learning / teaching
14.5.1. Osmosis
14.5.2. Repetition
14.5.3. Physically moves your limbs to train your muscles
14.6. Clothing recommendation
15. Environmental Controls
15.1. Temperature Control
15.1.1. A/C bed
15.1.2. Humidity levels
15.1.3. Vertical temp control
15.2. Noise Control
15.2.1. Volume controls
15.2.2. Sensory deprivation tank
15.2.3. Music to influence dreams
15.2.4. Sound cancelling
15.2.5. White noise
15.3. Lighting Control
15.3.1. Sensory deprivation tank
15.3.2. Turn off lights once asleep
15.3.3. Turn on lights when time to wake
15.4. Olfactory
15.4.1. Sensory deprivation tank
15.4.2. Aromatherapy lavender, chamomile, bergamot, sandalwood and mandarin.
15.4.3. Chloroform