Thymeleaf 2 (Java templating engine) AL 2.0

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Thymeleaf 2 (Java templating engine) AL 2.0 by Mind Map: Thymeleaf 2 (Java templating engine) AL 2.0

1. Features

1.1. Natural Templating (No server and deploying!)


1.3. Extensibility

1.4. Web/NoWeb

1.5. Non-complete document processing

1.6. Powerful experssion language

2. Pros

2.1. Used in production

2.1.1. Polish Ministry of Justice



2.2. HTML5 support with binding

2.3. Spring,Tiles2, SiteMesh, Jawr Integration

2.4. Tailored DOM + Caching + SAX parser

2.5. Minimal entry level

2.6. Works for rich HTML emails

2.7. Heathy Open Source + Community

3. Comparison

3.1. Velocity

3.1.1. No tag libraries

3.2. Freemarker

3.3. JSP

3.3.1. Everybody hate JSP (7000060 results)

3.3.2. Verbosity

3.3.3. Not HTML/CSS compliant

4. Cons

4.1. New syntax

4.1.1. attributes vs tags

4.2. Slower than Freemarker?

4.2.1. Comparison chart

4.3. Slower than Velocity?

4.4. No taglibs

4.5. No IDE autocomplete?

4.6. Not for complex files with 1000+ lines

5. Learning materials

5.1. Interactive tutorial

5.2. Tutorials

6. Dialects("Plugins")

6.1. Layout (SiteMesh)

6.2. Pages

6.3. Tiles2

6.4. Spring Security

6.5. Thymol (js includes)

6.6. Play 1.2 (subst. groovy templates)

6.7. Jawr

7. Articles

7.1. Thymeleaf Integration

7.2. Thymeleaf Advanced Usage

7.3. SpringSource: from JSP to Thymeleaf

7.4. Spring IO Presentation

8. Standard Dialects

8.1. Standard

8.1.1. OGNL

8.1.2. Variable Expressions

8.1.3. Selection Expressions

8.1.4. Text I18n Expressions

8.1.5. URL Expressions

8.1.6. Literal Operations

8.1.7. Preprocessing

8.2. SpringStandard

8.2.1. SpEl