Physical Pattern

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Physical Pattern by Mind Map: Physical Pattern

1. Landfroms

1.1. Fold Mountains: Fold mountain is a landfrom which is build up with thick layers of sedimentary rock. They form two plates move together and bending up the sedimentary rock. Fold Mountains can be find in the whole world, they usually located in areas where the tectonic plates are impact with each others.

1.1.1. The Appalachian Mountains: They are made of sedimentary rock and they are folded by plate collision.

1.2. Plains and Lowlands: Plains and lowlands is a landfrom with flat and low relief. Plains and lowlands are made up with sedimentary rock. They are formed when everything in the land eroded away, only leave the flat land. Plains and Lowlands can be find in the whole world.

1.2.1. The Great Plains: They are made of sedimentary rock and they were deposited in seas.

1.3. Shields: Shield rigion is a large area made up of igneous and metamorphic rock. Shield regions were created by widespread volcanic activity billions years before. Shield regions can be find in the whole world.

1.3.1. The Canadian Shield: They are made of igneous and metamorphic rock.

1.4. River Systems: River systems is the pattern formed by the streams, rivers, and lakes in a drainage basin. We can find river system in the whole world.

1.4.1. World's Longest River System: Nile, It is located in Africa, the length is 6670km. Nile's outflow and outflow location is Mediterranean Sea in Egypt.

2. Climates

2.1. The Effect of Latitude: The sun is the most important factor affecting world's climate. Hot places are close to the equator because the sun's rays are more intense near the equator, and less concentrated at place near North or South Pole.

2.1.1. Polar Climate: serve winters and cool summers.

2.1.2. Tropical Climate: hot temperatures in every season.

2.1.3. Temperate Climate: moderate temperature conditions every season.

2.2. The Effect of Moving Air: Heat is also a important cliamte factor. Sun's heat is most intense at the equator, heated air rises, and when it rises, it cools and water droplets form clouds, and it causes tropical climate. The descending air is very dry, so it causes desert climate.

2.2.1. Desert Climate: dry and hot conditions every season.

2.3. The Effect of Water Bodies: Place near large water bodies often have moderated climate called maritime climate. Places located far from the water bodies will have a drier climate and not very moderated called continental climate.

2.3.1. Maritime Climate: warm summers and cool winters.

2.3.2. Continental Climate: hot summers and cold winters.

2.4. The Effect of Mountains:It's colder on higher elevation, places located in the mountains have much colder climate than the places located in the lower elecation at the same latitude.

2.4.1. Mountain Climate: cooler than the places at lower elevation.

2.5. The Effect of Ocean Currents: Ocean currents can be either warm or cool. Cold ocean current cool off the warm parts of the world and warm ocean currents warm up the cold parts of the world.

3. Natural Disasters

3.1. Volcanoes: When the "pipe" connecting the mantle to the surface becomes blocked with hardened material, the volcanoe will blasts.

3.1.1. Krakatoa: The biggest known Blast. It can broke windows and walls 160km away! Where can we find Earthquakes in the world: Pacific Ring of Fire: It has 452 volcanoes and it have 75% of the world's active volcanoes. 80-90% of all volcanoes happen near tectonic plate boundaries.

3.2. Earthquakes: Earthquake is a shaking of the ground caused by the sudden breaking of tectonic plates.

3.2.1. When two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another, it causes earthquake. Earthquake can happen in the whole world. The Biggest Earthquake in the world is in Chile, 1960. The magnitude is 9.5.

3.3. Tropical Storms: Tropical storm is an strong storm, characterized by extremely low pressure and swirling wind, that usually happen in the tropics. When warm air rises and is replaced by cool air, cold air blows inward in a spiral, creating a tropical disturbance, that is how the tropical storm formed.

3.3.1. Hurricanes: From the Africa and affecting the Caribbean and eastern North America. Katrina: Atlantic hurricane, At least 1800 people died and loss $81 billion.

3.3.2. Blizzard: From the Arctic Ocean and affecting North America and Europe. The Great Blizzard of 1899: The worst blizzard in U.S history.

3.3.3. Cyclones: From the Indian Ocean and affecting Asia, Africa and Oceania. Great Bhola Cyclone: Worst cyclone in the history, happend in 1970 and at least 500000 people died.

3.3.4. Typhoons: From the Pacific Ocean and affecting Asia. Great Hong Kong Typhoon of 1937: It was the worst typhoon in Hong Kong and killed over 11000 people.

3.4. Tsunmi: The tsunami is a long high wave causes by the earthquakes under the sea. Also, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions can occur causing the big tsunmi waves.

3.4.1. World's Biggest Tsunami: The largest tsunami is in Lituya Bay, Alaska, a wave that is 1720 feet tall. Where can we find Tsunami in the world: Almost 80% of the world's tsunamis happend in the Pacific Ocean and it most often happend along countries which border the Pacific Ring of Fire.

3.5. Tornadoes: A tornado is a powerful column of winds spiraling around a center. When warm and cold air are close to one another, they start mixed together and they start spin, and it causes tornadoes.

3.5.1. Tri-state Tornado: The Worst Tornado. It move along a 350 km and at speed of 100-120km per hour. Where can we find Toenadoes in the world: Tornadoes can happen in the whole world, but most happen in North America.

4. Agricultural

4.1. The Effect of Climate: Climate is very for agricultural. Climate near the equator is the best for agricultural, bacause they are usually tropical climate and they have lot of precipitation, rains is good to agricultural. For example, Mexico.

4.1.1. Very hot or very cold climate is not good for agricultural, like desert or polar climate, because desert climate don't have many rains and polar climate is too cold for agricultural.

4.2. The Effect of Soil: Tropical soil and Woodland soil is best for agricultural, because they have lot of good nutrients for agricultural.

4.2.1. Desert soil, mountain soil and tundra soil is not very good for agricultural, because they have poor nutrients.

4.3. The Effect of Narural Vegetation: Narural vegetation has an important effect on soil fertility, because soil need decomposing leaves, grasses, and needles to produce the soil's humus layer, and soil will have more nutrients and nutrients is very important for agricultural.