ID Theft

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ID Theft by Mind Map: ID Theft

1. Criminal medical identity theft

1.1. --You are being held responsible for the actions of another's criminal behavior.

2. Financial medical identity theft

2.1. --Someone is getting medical help using your name and/or other information.

3. Government benefit fraud

3.1. --Your medical benefits are being used by another person.

4. causes

4.1. effect

5. A car accident

5.1. Swapping too much information with the other drivier can result in identity theft

6. the association said, drivers put themselves in jeopardy of being identity-theft victims by supplying personal information such as their driver's license number.

7. Medical ID theft occurs when one person steals another's medical information to obtain or pay for health care treatment. It's a crime that can have a serious impact on your personal, financial and medical well being.

8. the association said, drivers put themselves in jeopardy of being identity-theft victims by supplying personal information such as their driver's license number.