TEDxAmsterdam 2012 Leonard van Munster The Dancing White Man

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TEDxAmsterdam 2012 Leonard van Munster The Dancing White Man by Mind Map: TEDxAmsterdam 2012 Leonard van Munster  The Dancing White Man

1. building with lego makes life easy

1.1. building language

1.2. second step: a model out of wood

1.2.1. move 1 thing

1.2.2. the whole model moves

1.3. use technique en coincidence

1.4. use a system to learn the dance moves

2. About

2.1. ...the author

2.1.1. Leonard van Munster leonardvanmunster.com

2.2. ...this talk

2.2.1. Reactions I want a treehouse on the rooftop of an apartment building. #tedxams Leo's Dancing White Man has better dance moves than I do. #tedxams pic.twitter.com/DQgRXxCu Yep. Dancing robots. Welcome to the future. #TEDxAms pic.twitter.com/DQk4KHs1

3. humanoid

4. I love technique

5. example

5.1. under highway

5.1.1. 3000 m2

5.1.2. amsterdam

5.1.3. created a mirage/ fata morgana in a desolated place under highway in amsterdam

5.2. treehouse on top of sky scraper

5.3. made continuous fireworks

5.3.1. "Aphrodite of Amsterdam"

5.3.2. Amsterdam West

5.3.3. love declaration in light

6. city theater asked can you build something?

6.1. modern statue

6.2. a moving statue

6.3. like to make moving things

6.4. control without control

6.4.1. only uses a spring