How does the use of visual organizers impact student learning?

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How does the use of visual organizers impact student learning? by Mind Map: How does the use of visual organizers impact student learning?

1. finding what students know

2. how come there's nothing in this mode?

3. New node

3.1. clarify similarities and differences between two topics

4. visual representation of information to better address learning styles

5. Understanding Relationships between concepts

5.1. New node

6. Helps organize information for writing projects.

6.1. K-2

6.1.1. New node

7. organizes ideas quickly

8. presentation of information for projects

9. accesses previous knowledge

10. provides way to organize information as a unit progresses

11. use as a pre or post assessment

12. allows for generation of multiple ideas

13. organization

14. Organization

15. Writing

15.1. Allows for sorting of information

16. see scope of learning not just one aspect

16.1. reminder of prior knowledge

17. allows for reflection upon learning

17.1. allows for sharing of ideas, like we're doing now!

18. students can visually collaborate and inspire each other

18.1. Students feel safe to make mistakes in an informal setting

18.1.1. Accomodates visual learners

19. Especially helpful for visual learners and/or those who have a tough time organizing their thoughts

20. It's cool

21. New node